Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Farm Life

Charlie has finally gotten down to the farm to visit the horses and ride on the tractors.  We didn't take him last summer b/c it is a good 2 hours away and I didn't think he would understand much!  He loved riding the tractors and also the horses...even though he rarely cracked a smile the whole time.  Maybe a little too serious?

We've been down twice in the past two months and the second time he liked it even better.  He got right on the horse and barely had to be asked if he wanted to ride in the tractor with Grandpa.  These pictures are from his first time down.

He gets to sit on his own seat in the bigger tractors and he even got to see the big, big truck.  He talks about tractors and combines, and Grandpa drive.  He saw Berkeley do the unmentionable, which made me leave the barn due to my increased sense of smell - and now he'll say, Berkeley...Pee.....NASTY.  It is hilarious.

We'll be back again soon - definitely for combining season so Charlie can ride with Grandpa.  In the meantime, we'll head to the Calgary Stampede - yup, Charlie can say that too.  Did I mention he is talking all the time - and so, so clearly.

That's the REAL Berkeley!!!

See Mom - Look!

Cracking the smallest of smiles with Auntie Crystal

Checking out Berkeley in his stall

First time in the tractor.

Let's drive, Grandpa!!!

Hey, look at Mom!

Mom - look how big this wheel is - its huge and bigger than me!

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