Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Proof is in the Pictures

Someone, who shall remain nameless, said I need more pictures.  So, here you go!!!  Charlie's first tooth :)  I'll try and get a better picture - look closely!

Now to Charlie's sleeping arrangement!  He sleeps in a play pen and has just realized that he can push himself up and look out the mesh.  It is the CUTEST thing!  Here are a few pics of him looking out today.

And his playmat.  Charlie usually loves being under his toys.  His mat even has this contraption that lights up and plays music.  Here he is pushing himself up.  Now all he needs to do is start rolling over (he's only done it twice!).

I can't wait to move into our house.  Natural light abounds - which always helps with pictures.  We'll also be able to unpack our mac that we bought last summer and has been sitting in its box since we moved :(  No room in the INN for it!!!


  1. I'm loving the pictures! And am thinking if Charlie likes his playmat on his tummy, he's going to love it when he's on his back!!!

  2. He's got Doug's eyes and your mouth, he his soo cute love the pic... thanks for posting the nice pics and sharing with us your life I follow your blog.
    take care xxx Catherine

  3. I'm thinking he's really looking like Doug! :o) What a handsome little boy!

  4. Treyden definitely comes from his Dad's side!!!! He looks a lot like Doug and his brother when they were little. I was looking at my baby pictures a couple weekends ago, and unfortunately, there isn't too much of me in him!!!
