Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Filling in the Day

When Charlie was little, all he did was sleep, eat, and poop.  Literally, for the first month, that's about all he did!  He would sleep swaddled all nice and tight, then he would cry for food.  I would feed him, change his diaper, and he'd go back to sleep.  He was such a good baby, unless he was hungry - then he was impatient!

Now - his naps usually take up most of the day, but his awake time is steadily increasing.  So - what do we do?  We play, we go swimming, we take baths, and we read books courtesy of Grandma S!  We just brought his exersaucer in from my parent's house, so Charlie is loving that!  And his bath.  Ummmm - it is getting a little small, but it is so fun to watch him splash and splash some more.  Check out his rolls!

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