Friday, December 12, 2014

Charlie is 4 - again!

When Moe got his picture taken, Charlie wanted in on the action.......  What is funny is that once it came down to it, he didn't want to smile for the camera.  Instead, he erased the '4' off of the chalk board - such a little boy!

Charlie is definitely growing into a boy!  He loves to tackle, race, and be silly.  When he is in the mood, he entertains himself great with his different toys.  And the best part is his imagination.  He will take something and pretend it is something else so that he can pretend to be someone or do something.  And man, he can throw a football - I showed him how to hold the ball correctly and he threw me a spiral. I was shocked :)

On a side note....  A year ago I was very ready for preschool to start.  I enjoyed my time with Moe during those two mornings each week and it gave us our first time just to hang out the two of us.  Now that we have moved and are waitlisted for a preschool, I find that I am really cherishing this last winter before kindergarten starts.  Now we all have our moments......but I'm enjoying having both of them at home and finding things to do.....whether it is swimming, reading, watching a show, going to the park,  or doing short trips somewhere, they are both at an age where I know what to expect and there usually aren't any huge negative reactions :). 

Now I'm not sure we'll even put Charlie in preschool if a spot becomes open - this is our last winter/spring where we have the freedom to travel, etc., and since Charlie is doing much better in kid group settings (kids church, playrooms, etc), I'm not as worried about his social interaction as I was even a few months ago.

I realized on the way to church a few days ago that by this time next year, Charlie will be in half day kindergarten and Moe will be in preschool.  AND then I realized that I would have a few mornings a week kids-free......and all I thought was "Already?"  Children grow up so fast - we tell each other that all the time, but it is so true.

Then I thought - time to have another one.  INSERT - Grandma M having a heart attack!!!! :)  HA!

END OF STORY - Don't worry Mom!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Love

Here are a few more pictures from last week.  I hadn't really taken pictures in our new house, so I was experimenting with the lighting, etc.  I do get some good sun flare with our house facing East/West.  Our old house faced the South, so I always had good light due to some large windows.  We still have lots of windows, just a different kind of light :).  But I don't think you care, do you?? 

The kids are loving our little people nativity set.  So cute - this one will be a keeper for years to come.  Charlie comes down every morning and turns on the lights to our tree and Moe loves to touch our decorations.  We have been teaching to touch with one finger, not to pull the decorations off the tree :).  Decorations of any kind are off limits in our house :).  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas Cheer

With the success of our fruit loop craft, I decided to copy a preschool craft from last year and made snowflakes out of popsicle sticks, pom poms, and buttons.  Moe mostly dumped and reloaded a bowl with pom poms, but Charlie had fun picking out buttons and putting them, along with pom poms, on the sticks.  He stuck with it the whole time!  This was an easy craft, with the exception of the hot glue gun, but Charlie's little fingers did well navigating the glue.

Who likes our crazy tree!!!???

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas fun - fruit loop style

This past week, the boys and I had FUN!  With Charlie not in preschool right now, we have long days that need filling with activities :).  And with the Christmas Season here, I pulled out my pinterest ideas and we had fun and filled our mornings.  Please NOTE - I am not a crafty Momma nor do I consider myself creative.  I often look at others and think, "wow, I should be doing that"......  But I do what I do best and we have fun.

So - here are some pictures to spread some Christmas cheer!  This day we made fruit loop candy canes.  Moe didn't get the memo that you don't eat the ones off of the pipe cleaner.....only ones from the bowl!!!  Hahahaha!  He did it again later while decorating the tree.  Little stinker, I didn't even see that one coming ;)

Friday, December 5, 2014

2 years old!

I am sad to say that I didn't get any pictures from our small birthday celebration for Moe!  So my sister suggested I take some 2 year old pictures instead.....Great idea.

Moe's birthday weekend fell right when I didn't know if we would be home or not, so I didn't want to plan something without knowing for sure what we were doing.....which is, the current story of my life. 

So one night my mom brought over cupcakes and we sang happy birthday.  He was timid but I could tell he was happy.  The video we have is soooo cute.  Then my sister was over the next day - his actual birthday - so we sang again.  This time he was clapping and cheering as we sang.  ADORABLE.  And both times he blew out the candles on the first try.....good job buddy.

Now for his update!  For the past few months, he has been pushing out his 2 year old molars, which I'm happy to say have now come through.  His sleeping pattern wasn't great these past few months - so I have had many nights where I've had to get him when I've been solo parenting.  I know - poor me - but when you're used to sharing the responsibility, it makes a difference.  Plus he is a great sleeper, so to get up makes it even harder :):):)  And to make it worse, he throws his stuff out of his crib.....and cries for me to "nuggle n chair" - snuggle in the chair.  Broke my heart a few nights ago.  So I did get get him.....once.  I'm sure he will settle back down now and go back to sleeping through the night.....  Time to rock the boat again and get him in his own big boy bed!

He is starting to talk more and say cute things.  He will tell us how old he is, Charlie is, Daddy is and then he'll say that Grandpa is 'Old' sister taught him that!!!  He is at the stage where he is repeating everything and putting words together.

And he conquered his fear of the slide.  We have been frequenting a rec centre in Edmonton and they have a great slide.  Charlie loved it, but Moe was hesitant.  It took a few days and then suddenly one time down the slide, he decided that it really was fun!  We went down the slide at least 20 times one day, and I counted the stairs up - 46.  Decent exercise :).

Oh and he loves Frozen.  It is the only thing he will watch in its entirety.  He won't watch a whole tv show or a different movie.  But he will watch Frozen :).  Love that movie!!!!

I think that is about it!  Moe loves his brother and loves to copy and play with him.  They are playing better together or at least around each other.  They like to chase one another and Charlie loves to tackle - however I limit that as Moe isn't quite as tough as Charlie!!!!

Love you Moe - happy second birthday!!!!  We are going to have a great year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A little DRAMA

Almost a month ago, Calgary got some pretty white stuff that was perfect for making I sent out the boys and Daddy to have fun!  I even captured the first half of their time in the snow.  Moe wasn't quite sure he liked the snow.....and was pretty cute watching Daddy and his brother.  Charlie loved it and enjoyed shoveling, throwing, and eating snow.  They were having a great time.

Well - I was folding laundry upstairs when I heard banging on the window.  No big deal, happens all the time with Charlie and Moe.  BUT - then the door opened and I heard Doug say, "Bella, come downstairs right now.  We had a major accident." 

I take off for downstairs, but realize I don't hear any crying......I get to the door and Doug says, "Charlie put a shovel in my eye", and he promptly leans against the wall of the house.  In those few seconds, I think about life without sight and how our lives could radically change.  Its amazing how quickly you snap into action while also thinking about the effects of a major injury.  Doug thought his eye was a gone - he almost fainted getting up to the house!!!

Long story short, his eye was basically swollen shut in the 30 seconds it took me to get downstairs, but thankfully, no blood.  We iced it immediately and called telehealth which advised us to go to the ER.  We literally live 2 minutes away from the hospital, but drove 15 minutes to an emergency clinic because the wait time was 2 hours shorter.  Doug was checked in, his eye frozen, and given a prescription to ward off any infection - all within an hour.  Pretty impressive.  The shovel did pierce the side of his eye, but thankfully there was no damage to his eyesight.  He even thought he would be able to go back up North for work....which he realized wouldn't happen once the freezing wore off :).  The pain/stinging sensation was pretty intense for those first few hours. 

His eyes were sensitive to light for a few days and he sported some sunglasses even though it was dark outside :).  BUT, within 4 days, his eye was completely back to normal.  I was shocked at how quickly it healed.  We had a couple chuckles about how we reacted, learned a good lesson about shovels, and were very thankful his eye wasn't damaged. 

Sorry the story is long, but this is definitely one I want to remember.....and now for the pictures to remember that day!!!