Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just Hanging Around

Here are just a few pictures of us hanging around the house.  Charlie has taken to 'helping' around the house.  He helps mop and dust, and he was pretending to mow the lawn outside while Daddy did the real work!  He still helps with the laundry, and newest of all, he likes to vacuum. 

Oh, and we have the sprinkler out for the season.  It hasn't been as nice lately, but a few weeks ago we had a few warm days, so I bought a fun sprinkler and set it up.  AND it was a big is going back to the store.  Out came the trusty sprinkler from last year......It took Charlie a few minutes to remember how much fun it is, but soon he was running through!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A few family pics

I thought it was time to do a few pictures of the on Mother's Day weekend, we sat in front of our house and took a few :).  Moe LOVES Charlie - his eyes are always on his big brother.  This makes getting a good picture of them rather difficult, but that's ok!  As you can see, Charlie was being very gentle with his baby brother....which isn't always the case.  I'm finding I am telling Charlie to be gentle ALL THE TIME, and even a few days ago, I had to say, we DON'T jump over or around your brother!!!!!

I also matched them up for the special occasion.  I never thought I would be a mom that matched my kids (especially boys), but I can't help it!  Plus, it isn't expensive to buy two t-shirts - especially if you wait for the deals like me :).  I hope you enjoy these pictures!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Few Extras.....

Here are a few pics that never made the blog!  I had to grab my camera fast for the first two - Moe sitting up in his swing....all in an effort to get Sophie!!!

And Moe's first time in his high chair all ready for some food.  Moe was so cute waiting for his food, and Charlie thought it was pretty cool too.  Moe is slowly being introduced to foods.  He has eaten everything given to him, which includes rice cereal, sweet potato, peas, avacado, and banana.  We need to keep expanding!!!! :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Play time with Charlie and Moe

Moe is so much fun to photograph and telling by these pictures, Charlie doesn't enjoy it so much :).  Moe is almost sitting up unassisted, but he tend to lean way forward or else fling himself back :).  He is very content just to lay on his back or chill in his seat....not much of a mover.  He still isn't the biggest fan of being on his tummy, so it makes me wonder if he is going to skip the crawling phase altogether! :)

As for sleeping, Moe still loves to be covered head to toe with a blanket but is also starting to sleep on his side.  We usually have one wake up time for milk during his 12 hour stretch, but I find it is more early in his sleep pattern....lots of times before I go to bed (which works great!).  He is only up for 15 minutes max, so it isn't an issue for me to get up.  PLUS - he is small compared to his brother at this age.  Just over 16 pounds, when Charlie was over 18.  He definitely isn't a chunker, so I am not wanting to quit the night-time feed yet. 

Anyway - enjoy these pictures :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Charlie loves playing with Daddy!  One evening before bed they made a huge tower!  Charlie was soooo excited!  And then of course, he got to "knock it down!"

 Moe has also been in his exersaucer for quite a while now, but here are the first few pictures of his fun.  He is starting to like it better, but he still loves his jolly jumper the most!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Easter Pictures

Charlie met the Easter Bunny at a town Easter Egg Hunt, but I didn't have my camera.  He was shy at first but did sit on his/her lap.  Then later on, Charlie went and gave the bunny a hug.  I was shocked!!!!  I didn't expect that from my usually shy boy, but he proved Mommy wrong!!!

I took a few pictures on Easter Sunday.....And Charlie also got his Christmas present from us - a new playhouse ;).  Here are a few pictures from the day.  Oh, and it was also the day Moe got a little haircut from Mommy....Bye Bye long strands!

What's wrong with my hair, Mommy??

Would you like to come into my new house???

Grandpa M, Daddy, and Uncle Jon all fitting in the house :)

Yes, a be played in the basement as part of his marching band!

Is that better mom???