Monday, October 15, 2012

And now we wait....

I'm officially 37 weeks, maybe more - and the waiting game has begun.  Since I delivered 2 weeks early with Charlie, I'm hopeful I will have an early, but healthy delivery this time round.  Problem is - I have no idea what to expect :)  Didn't think that would happen considering this is the second child!

I think I have been having symptoms and was even up half the night with what most would consider regular contractions.....However, they weren't strong and they eventually ended being regular.  Problem was it took 5 hours of me being awake in the night wondering if this was it!!!!!

And the funny part - I was telling Doug last night that we need to watch Amazing Race and eat grapes - cause that is when everything got rolling last time :)  Oh well - now I'm even more anxious to see what happens over the coming days!

In an effort to keep busy, I photographed some family friends this weekend and managed to get a few shots of Charlie.  I will also post some of the family shots too in the near future.  Here are a few pictures of Charlie when Alberta got snow last week.  We were out that morning playing in it.  It took a little convincing that he could get 'dirty'.  Hahaha!!!! 

Mom - that's a very loud vehicle!!!!

Mommy - this is a fun seat - are you sure it is for the new baby???

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