Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Moe Update

I've been meaning to write an update post on Moe for a few weeks, but I am just sitting down to the computer now!  Sorry to make this post all about Moe - I don't keep a calendar on significant milestones, etc., past the first year, so that's why I put it here!!!!

Moe is changing lots and is SOOOO much fun.  He is crawling everywhere and is slowly starting to conquer the stairs - both up and down.  Moe and Charlie love to crawl up and down them together while I supervise....Definitely good brother bonding time.

Moe has started giving kisses (LOVE), started making tons of noises, and is saying, "yes", and definitely Daaaa-Da.  I'm not joking when I say he is saying 'yes' - he has been doing it for at least 3 weeks and it is adorable.  I ask him if he is ready to get down, 'yes', do you want this toy, 'yes'....Yes, yes, yes. 

He has also been using his little finger to point to things he wants.  If he sees a certain kind of cracker, or fruit, or cheese, he will point away!  He has a sweet tooth just like his mommy and brother, so we have to keep packages, etc., in hiding while he is eating.  Charlie gets a treat once he is done his meals, and I now have to tell him to go eat it somewhere else as Moe usually isn't done eating his food yet!  Moe also loves to clap - especially to the song - If Your Happy and You Know It...also too cute!

And finally, we went to the mall yesterday with my sister - I don't think I have been to this one mall for a year......with the kids.  Anyway - we took them in the play place, and Moe absolutely loved crawling under things, and sliding down the play structure.  He was having just as much fun as his brother!  Which leads me to compare the two.  Moe is much more outgoing and 'friendly' at this age.  He didn't care about the kids around him yesterday, and he does a good back arch to let me know that he wasn't done with the slide.

That's about it - yes, I used the words cute and adorable too much, but that's what Moe is!  We are so thankful for Moe's addition to our lives.  He dishes out the smiles and laughs, and we are loving watching him explore and learn about the world around him!

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