Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Moe Update

I've been meaning to write an update post on Moe for a few weeks, but I am just sitting down to the computer now!  Sorry to make this post all about Moe - I don't keep a calendar on significant milestones, etc., past the first year, so that's why I put it here!!!!

Moe is changing lots and is SOOOO much fun.  He is crawling everywhere and is slowly starting to conquer the stairs - both up and down.  Moe and Charlie love to crawl up and down them together while I supervise....Definitely good brother bonding time.

Moe has started giving kisses (LOVE), started making tons of noises, and is saying, "yes", and definitely Daaaa-Da.  I'm not joking when I say he is saying 'yes' - he has been doing it for at least 3 weeks and it is adorable.  I ask him if he is ready to get down, 'yes', do you want this toy, 'yes'....Yes, yes, yes. 

He has also been using his little finger to point to things he wants.  If he sees a certain kind of cracker, or fruit, or cheese, he will point away!  He has a sweet tooth just like his mommy and brother, so we have to keep packages, etc., in hiding while he is eating.  Charlie gets a treat once he is done his meals, and I now have to tell him to go eat it somewhere else as Moe usually isn't done eating his food yet!  Moe also loves to clap - especially to the song - If Your Happy and You Know It...also too cute!

And finally, we went to the mall yesterday with my sister - I don't think I have been to this one mall for a year......with the kids.  Anyway - we took them in the play place, and Moe absolutely loved crawling under things, and sliding down the play structure.  He was having just as much fun as his brother!  Which leads me to compare the two.  Moe is much more outgoing and 'friendly' at this age.  He didn't care about the kids around him yesterday, and he does a good back arch to let me know that he wasn't done with the slide.

That's about it - yes, I used the words cute and adorable too much, but that's what Moe is!  We are so thankful for Moe's addition to our lives.  He dishes out the smiles and laughs, and we are loving watching him explore and learn about the world around him!

Monday, November 25, 2013

My little snowmen

Continuing on the snow theme, I finally put both boys in the snowmen shirts.  Most of the clothes I buy for Moe matches what I buy for Charlie - which means I usually don't buy much for Moe because he has so many fun hand-me-downs from Charlie!  They looked so cute :). 

Moe had his vaccinations the morning of these pictures - he did so well with the first two that I went ahead and did the third even though I was going to wait a month or so.  I think its a little mean to have so many vaccinations at one time - he could have had four altogether, but I just completed the required vaccs, so he is set!  And he rocked it! 

And I am pretty sure he is lets just say Moe probably wasn't feeling his best during this little photoshoot, but he still had fun!  And so did Charlie.  They are interacting more and more together, and I'm getting to see little bits of gentleness from Charlie.....Bits, I tell you, bits.

Friday, November 22, 2013


And we have lots of it.....We have had snow for the past three weekends and this past week has been freezing :(.  So not fun with two little ones, but we survive and only go out when we need to!  Last weekend we headed to my parents to watch the big football game - riders vs. stampeders.....riders won :).  Grandpa was clearing off his driveway and Charlie wanted to help.  He lasted 15 minutes or so until he got a big blast of snow on his face, then he was done!  By the way, we have more snow here than my parents had!

Here are a bunch of snow clearing pictures....sorry!  I am trying to practice my editing, so there are lots of pictures!


Just on and happy to be driving......the driving didn't last long!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Moe's Birthday Party

We had a small party for Moe - but it was full of love :).  Auntie Pookie made the cupcakes and used the animal themed stuff I had purchased quite a while ago.  We had a few snacks, cake, and then the kids went out and played in the snow.  Yes - the snow fell all day, but it was kind of a nice snow......if you can call snow 'nice'.  Moe wasn't quite himself that day....looked a little sleepy - but what else is new?  And the other kids loved opening Moe's gifts......good thing Moe didn't know what was going on - he was almost bombarded, and his big brother got to his gifts first......

As you will see from the pictures - Moe loved the cake......chowed it down that pretty quickly!!!  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Last set of Pictures with Bubbles

Well - I completely missed the 11 month pictures with Moe and Bubbles - I'm disappointed but Moe was sick and is still sick.  So I forced myself to get out my camera for the 12 month ones even though I wasn't really in the mood.  And as you can tell, Moe wasn't quite in the mood either until his older brother decided to join in on the pictures.  So I didn't even get that many with the bear - but I did get a few of the boys just having fun right after Moe's nap.....He looked so tired.

And yes, Charlie is a horse.....courtesy of Grandma S.  He loves it and wore it to preschool for Halloween - b/c it wasn't as heavy/hot as his monkey costume.  But when I picked him up, he looked like an athlete because he was out of his horse costume and wearing sport shorts, t-shirt and his running shoes :).  He obviously had too much fun at preschool!