Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Washington, DC

Doug and I were in Washington for a 1.5 day blitz back in the fall of 2009 before heading down to Williamsburg for a week.  To say that there was tons that we didn't see was an understatement.  This time we spent 6 days in Washington, and we still didn't make it to all of the 'free' museums :)  We met my parents and two sisters down there and thanks to hotwire, had a fantastic (and very affordable) hotel 3 blocks from the Whitehouse.

Charlie did so well with the exception of one night when we couldn't get him back to sleep and he ended up waking Auntie Pookie and keeping us all awake for quite some time.  He slept every morning and afternoon in his stroller - usually while we were walking to and from the museums.  The best part was that his nap in the morning started while we were walking, but lasted well into the first museum we were visiting.  He ate like a pro at the restaurants.....making a little mess on the floor, but never refusing food - unless there was something better on the table that he saw.

Ok - so enough writing.  Here are some pictures and some stories to go along with them.  I'm going to use the blog as a diary so that I don't forget important moments or funny stories along the way.

Our first stop on Friday was the Museum of Nature and the Museum of American History.  Charlie was asleep for 3/4's of the Nature Museum, which was great - he woke up just in time to see the animals!

Mom - look at the giraffe right behind me!!!!

 This was day two - Saturday.  We went to the Holocaust Museum, and then walked around to all of the Monuments.  It was a sunny day - I wish I had taken a few more pictures....but I tell myself I have them from the last time we went!

I'm free from my stroller!!!!!

I refused to look at the camera when Auntie Crystal wanted a picture

Someone wasn't too happy that they are fixing the reflecting pool :)

Someone didn't care or notice :)

So - as we were headed back to the hotel, we noticed they were stopping traffic at the back entrance of the White House.  I said that we should stick around as they don't just stop traffic for anyone - plus, 6 or 7 helicopters had just flown by 20 minutes before.  I didn't think it would be the President as I thought he flew right to the White House......So I wanted to see who it was.

Turned out it was one of President Obama's children - we think it was Malia (Spelling???).  She was looking out the back of the vehicle.  These few pictures are the motorcade - there were about 6 o7 vehicles.  And by the way - I didn't get to see her because I was holding the camera and acting like a total tourist....After working in politics, I feel silly doing these things.....But I still wanted a picture to capture the memory!

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