Saturday, December 10, 2011

Horse back riding

We finished off Washington with the day in the rain (and Georgetown cupcakes) and then headed for Colorado.  We celebrated Thanksgiving with the usual yummy food and then did some shopping to take advantage of the sales.  BUT - in the middle of that - Charlie was able to go horseback riding for the first and second time in his life!  I had to get on with him the first time, but the second time a few days later, he went with Grandpa and was quite happy.  I'm hoping we might get a little more horsey time in this Christmas.

Charlie also loved wearing Grandpa's cowboy boots.  He thought he was rather stylish!

That's right - I'm so cool!

Momma - There's a horsey!!!!

Oh - I like horsey's!

Grandpa - his nose feels funny!

Guess what we found while waiting for the horses to be saddled???

First time with Grandpa - a little unsure!

Momma - I want you!!!!

That's better!

YES - Grandpa's boots again!

What's that - no, it can't be time for bed yet!!!! :(

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