Friday, March 24, 2017


The boys were playing OSMO the other day and were actually getting along quite well!  Boomer only had eyes for his brothers - and wouldn't look at me when I called him!  And look at the difference in Charlie and Moe's demeanour near the end of the pictures.....Someone is rather serious/no nonsense and the other is having fun!!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2017


When Moe successfully grabbed the toys on his chair when he was little, I captured the moment with my camera.  This chair has almost been like a swing for Boomer - he was in it a lot at the beginning.  He is still in it a bit and has stared at these toys FOREVER!  So when I was getting breakfast ready for his brothers this week and heard the music go off the on the toy, I dropped everything and grabbed my camera!!!!  He hadn't even tried to grab them (that I noticed), so I was a little surprised when he was successful.  As you can see, I was a little snap happy!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Exersaucer fun

Boomer is loving his exersaucer....he goes for the toys and tries to get them in his mouth.  As you can see with the pictures - his fingers are always in his mouth and he is drooling pretty regularly.  BUT no teeth yet! :)  His rosy cheeks have also disappeared a fair bit now that the weather has warmed up quite a bit.  They are still red here from last week but they are doing better!!!!!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Little Cranker

I snuck into Boomer's room to take a few pics of him waking up - but he didn't like it!!!!  He is such a sweetie but he just wanted me to pick him up!  His naps have been 'so-so' lately - I'm assuming its because he is on his belly - which he almost always flips to immediately after he is laid down - but he doesn't love waking up on his belly.  ANYWAY - we usually get one long nap a day and a few 1 hour naps.

And who can resist a few pictures with Dad.  I'm realizing that all of Boomer's pictures are by himself - so when Dad had him the other day, I caught a few pics!

Friday, March 17, 2017
