Thursday, September 24, 2015

View from the walk home.....

Here are a few pics from our walk home.  We have a beautiful view.....and the boys loved climbing on the rocks.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Walk to the Park

I took the boys on a rather long walk and trip to the park today.  They were sporting their Blue Jays hats and shirts so I thought it would be fun to take a few pictures. 

Our walk there was all downhill......A big hill.  So long that Charlie got in the stroller and Moe sat on him.  I told Charlie I would not be pushing him back up the hill!  But we eventually got there and they had fun playing at a new to them park.  While they were playing, I thought I would text Doug to let him know we may need a pick up.....until I realized that I forgot my phone :(.  Not good!!!  So I warned Charlie that he would have to walk the whole way home and that he would need to use a lot of energy!!!! 

So we left and we made it.  I may have had to bribe a few times with an ice cream treat, but Charlie isn't know for his perseverance when he isn't having fun, so I had to make sure he had something to look forward to.  He ended up running large portions of the hill - crazy kid....

PS - Thanks Grandma S for the early birthday presents.  They love their Jays stuff and we are loving the Jays run for the playoffs!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Final farm pictures

We went down to the farm for one last day of combining.....with Dad!!!  They had a good time and of course, didn't want to get off.  I also wasn't allowed to go combining with Charlie and Uncle.....Crazy kid has too much fun.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Because I do things a little backwards, here are a few pics of my cousin's engagement shoot!!! :) I just have to say taking pictures of a newly engaged couple is SO MUCH EASIER than families!  And it was so fun!