Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter 2015

This Easter had us again at my parents house enjoying family time and good food :).  This was the first year Doug and I really started to explain Easter to the kids, especially Charlie, and I was often surprised with the types of questions that would follow.  He is definitely is very curious about life and death, and what happens afterward, and he is starting to question more about Jesus, who loves Him, and who is going to Heaven.  Tough questions - good for me and good for him!!!  And as much as I think Doug would be the better to answer his tough questions, I have stopped telling him to ask his Daddy!!! :)

The kids loved Easter Sunday at church and of course, were looking forward to the Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's.  They each got one gift - Charlie got a nerf gun as the two he has bought at the dollar store have broke immediately after buying and he was so sad that I felt bad!  And Moe got an alarm clock.  His face says it all!!!  However, he was excited to have it and has loved it!  He came out of his room after setting it up and said, "me sleep, green owl, come out!!!".  That's right buddy - no coming out of your bed until the owl turns green!  I'm hoping this sleep aid comes in handy as I thought it wasn't worthwhile with Charlie......HA!

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