Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sickness.....and other things

Life in our house this week has been nothing but sickness :(  Unfortunately, we were all sick.  Thankfully, Doug was sick first with a bad cough and congestion, Charlie followed, and Moe and I are bringing up the rear.  Our house is usually very healthy, but Charlie and Daddy have had a few colds and a stomach bug this past winter.  Thankfully, I avoided all sickness and so had Moe......but not this time.

Charlie didn't have a cold at all during his first year, but Moe was not so lucky.  He is pulling through like a real trooper, but I do feel sorry for him when I hear his cough - breaks my heart hearing a congested cough come from such a little boy :(.  And Charlie was pulling on my heartstrings too - just a little older so I thought his body could be a little tougher :).  We had a few sleepless nights - Doug in Charlie's bed and me looking after Moe and a few times Charlie.  We usually take one child per parent!!!!! 

Anyway - that's the end of my sob story :)  I do have pictures coming really soon - because we also had a few milestones!  Moe is rolling :)  Yes, I know I just said he wasn't, but today he went from belly to back multiple times :)  No more tummy time for him, he can just roll out of it!  And he put Sophie the Giraffe in his mouth!  Moe likes to have toys in his hands way more than Charlie did, so I find I always have to have something to give him!  Pretty cute!

And I couldn't help but reminisce on my life!!!  Hahahaha - I can just see Doug rolling his eyes!!!  10 years ago I was interning on Parliament Hill and was watching firsthand the budget come down.  I stood along the wall while watching the crazy media storm that occurs right outside of the Chamber.  Fast forward 10 years, and I am doing very good just to have the tv on and catch the budget on the news....sadly,  I'm not even listening to it.  Oh dear, how my life has changed.  I never imagined that I would have the privilege of working on the Hill for 6+ years, and yet life can change so drastically that I barely have time to keep current with politics.  It has been a crazy 10 years! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Grandma S came for a visit and was reading to Moe.....older brother Charlie would not sit with Grandma and read.....sad really, Charlie used to listen to Grandma read for hours.  Lately, Charlie doesn't want to do much without Mom or Dad.......

But here are few pictures of Moe.  He isn't rolling yet, but I'm sure he will soon enough.  I never hurry the rolling, crawling or walking phases - the less mobile, the less I have to worry about :)

Monday, March 18, 2013


As I said, Moe is loosing his hair.  Look how different he looks in the bathtub!!!  And with a comb over.  I haven't been giving him a mohawk lately because it is thin and long, and I think he looks cute and way different with his hair combed over :)

Isn't he precious?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cutie Pie

I can't help but post a bunch of pictures from this little photo session of Moe.  He was so adorable and I loved all of his faces.  And I left him sitting in the corner of the couch and he eventually went sideways!!! 

He is losing his hair and has been for quite a while.....  I look back at pictures from the first week and can't believe how much hair he had!  But the good news is that his hair is growing back and I'm guessing he'll have a head full by his first birthday.  I'm tempted to cut it, but it seems like everyone just lets the newborn hair fall out.....I'm a little torn.

You can also see that Moe is chewing on his fingers.  We can see the teeth in his gums and if Moe is anything like his brother, he'll have some pearly whites soon! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Castle Fun

I bought new luggage with some birthday money....Yes, blue luggage.  I wanted purple, but I thought that since I am outnumbered 3-1, I better get some luggage that my boys will be proud to wheel around!

Charlie liked to pretend that they were a castle and would walk from one piece to another and proudly say, "I am the King of the Castle!".   The third suitcase was pretty wobbly, so he had to be careful or else he took a dive for the tile floor :)

And some of you may be wondering, does Charlie ever wear pants???  The answer is Yes!  However, I often leave them off after an afternoon diaper change :).

Oh - and my clothe diapering has come to a crashing halt :(.  They were leaking really badly and I was getting frustrated having wet pants all the time, and on both boys.  And yes, I have stripped them and tried my best to correct the leaking, but I think the water-proofing is ruined.  How do I know?? :)  When Moe poops, his poop seeps right through the seams from the takes literally seconds for it to seep through.  As you can imagine, I was frustrated!  So we've switched to disposable for both boys - and while I don't like the cost, they are more convenient :).  BUT - I would still be clothe diapering if they hadn't have ruined......

Take a look at the home-made crown - aren't I crafty :)  Hahahaha!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Play time

Charlie's pretend play has exploded lately.  He likes to pretend farm, pretend to build, and pretend to drive.  Charlie also started taking things downstairs to our unfinished basement :).  A few weeks ago, he would pretend to drive A. Pookie's car, and would pile it high with groceries, and then give all of us a steering wheel so we could drive too.  Lets just say I put an end to groceries in the vehicle after a few days!

Who likes my outfit???

I can get them all Mommy!

Charlie also decided to put A LOT of our pantry food on the floor.  Thankfully he didn't make a huge mess and nothing was opened, but it looked pretty bad!!!!  He had fun!

Even Moo Cow gets to drive!!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Yes, Moe is four months old, so we had to do the teddy bear pictures again - his name is Bubbles.  Moe is such a sweetie - I have lots to share, but thought I would get a few pictures out because I know it has been a while!