Monday, December 14, 2015

First tooth lost!!!

Last week Charlie asked me how you know if a tooth is loose - lol!!!!  He was trying to wiggle one of his molars, but when I wiggled his front bottom tooth, it was a little loose.  We were all excited and Charlie was wondering how long it would take to come out and if it would hurt.

The next day Charlie and Moe were upstairs eating apple slices and watching a show when I heard yelling and crying.....Not abnormal :).  I thought it was about the tv, but soon realized that Charlie had lost his tooth and he was upset!  I ran upstairs while excitedly saying, "you lost your tooth!!!!", but when I got to the top, his mouth was bleeding and Charlie looked somewhat shocked and traumatized.

I quickly got him calmed down and the bleeding stopped and let him look in the mirror at his gum.  It was pretty obvious the tooth was ready to come out but the gum might not have been :).  He started to get more excited as the rest of the afternoon went on and was mostly excited for the tooth fairy to come.

On top of this excitement, the next day we headed to the mall for haircuts and Santa pictures.  This was their first time in a barber shop getting a real haircut (except for when Doug's cousin cut Moe's hair this summer), and they were excited.  They look totally different!!! :)  They had a great experience and then had fun talking to Santa.

And finally, the next day (now Friday!), we went to Sobey's for a few groceries and to buy Charlie and Moe their reward for staying in their bed until their alarms go off.  We upped the nights to 7 and they were excited to get balloons from Sobey's.  HOWEVER, when we got there and they saw a Santa and reindeer, they could not be convinced to buy a smaller balloon.  To keep everyone happy, I told them that they would have to pay for half of their balloon as they were too expensive for their reward.  They excitedly agreed, so I obliged.  The balloons are even bigger than I thought.  They have loved playing with them and thankful they haven't popped!

Fun update and a very fun week of firsts without being sick!!!!

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