Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Beach Day

Our Carlsbad beach day was fairly windy and the surf was high - which meant that we were in our sweaters and we didn't tread too far out as the waves were big and coming in hard.  The beach was basically deserted - so I definitely felt like we were tourists :).  The boys played for probably a couple hours in the sand ignoring the less than ideal beach conditions, and we enjoyed the sandy beach that kept going and going.

I did want to point out the smoke stacks in the distance.....It was a desalinization plant - one thing I noticed and people kept telling us was how dry it is and how fresh water is starting to become a major issue.....We definitely noticed how dry everything looked and didn't complain when it rained on our way to the airport!  I don't know anything about desalinization, but I thought it was important to keep the pictures with the plant in the background.  An eyesore definitely, but out of necessity I'm assuming.

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