Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015


We spent a week in Texas!  I had been promising my aunt and uncle that we would come visit them and we finally did!!!  The start to our week in Texas didn't start smoothly - airplane problems and weather problems sure can mess with your plans, and cloudy weather can alter your plans for all day pool days everyday, but we had a great time! 

I think it was basically cloudy every day except for one morning (see below for the sun hats borrowed from girl cousins for that morning!!!), but my uncle heated the pool so I was warm even if it wasn't hot outside - the pool was kept at roughly 90 degrees - it was wonderful!  And it was Texas, so the humidity made up for the cloud cover :). 

By the end of the week, Charlie was swimming without his water wings, and Moe was swimming completely unassisted with his floating swim suit.  We all had fun swimming and playing together!!!!

We had the best time with our family - golf cart rides, yummy food, and most of all, great family time. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

More beach pictures