Monday, December 14, 2015

First tooth lost!!!

Last week Charlie asked me how you know if a tooth is loose - lol!!!!  He was trying to wiggle one of his molars, but when I wiggled his front bottom tooth, it was a little loose.  We were all excited and Charlie was wondering how long it would take to come out and if it would hurt.

The next day Charlie and Moe were upstairs eating apple slices and watching a show when I heard yelling and crying.....Not abnormal :).  I thought it was about the tv, but soon realized that Charlie had lost his tooth and he was upset!  I ran upstairs while excitedly saying, "you lost your tooth!!!!", but when I got to the top, his mouth was bleeding and Charlie looked somewhat shocked and traumatized.

I quickly got him calmed down and the bleeding stopped and let him look in the mirror at his gum.  It was pretty obvious the tooth was ready to come out but the gum might not have been :).  He started to get more excited as the rest of the afternoon went on and was mostly excited for the tooth fairy to come.

On top of this excitement, the next day we headed to the mall for haircuts and Santa pictures.  This was their first time in a barber shop getting a real haircut (except for when Doug's cousin cut Moe's hair this summer), and they were excited.  They look totally different!!! :)  They had a great experience and then had fun talking to Santa.

And finally, the next day (now Friday!), we went to Sobey's for a few groceries and to buy Charlie and Moe their reward for staying in their bed until their alarms go off.  We upped the nights to 7 and they were excited to get balloons from Sobey's.  HOWEVER, when we got there and they saw a Santa and reindeer, they could not be convinced to buy a smaller balloon.  To keep everyone happy, I told them that they would have to pay for half of their balloon as they were too expensive for their reward.  They excitedly agreed, so I obliged.  The balloons are even bigger than I thought.  They have loved playing with them and thankful they haven't popped!

Fun update and a very fun week of firsts without being sick!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Family Pictures

Here are a few outtakes from a very quick family photoshoot a few weekends ago.  We went to my favorite place to walk and tried to get a few pictures with the beautiful weather that day.   Auntie decided to teach Charlie a new dance move......I'm in trouble.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Our household has had its fair share of sickness over the past month or so.....  I tried to be a little proactive and bought some "health" products, one of them being an essential oil, but since I bought it and tried using it, our general health has decreased....LOL!

Anyway - I am hoping we are on the mend.  Charlie was riddled with a stomach bug followed by croup and then a week after being healthy, he was struck with a fever.  I'm glad he is back at it!  Moe fared a little better with only a one day stomach bug, but I'm hoping he isn't coming down with a fever....Doug and I have just battled two colds (D) and stomach bug (R), so we can't complain!

As a result, I haven't been taking many pictures, but I have been trying to pull out my camera for Christmas traditions!!!!

I've got a few posts coming....Hope you enjoy the updates!!!!

We decorated for Christmas as usual on the American thanksgiving weekend. The boys were excited and I always love our house decorated for Christmas.  HOWEVER, our household is not necessarily the happy and calm place when the tree comes out.  We have an overload of excitement, impatience, and over stimulation.  We all managed to keep the peace and get out tree decorated with only one or two decorations being broken, so that's a win.  Moe definitely caught on with hanging the snowflakes, etc., but he often was overpowered by his older brother.

Instead, he settled for playing with the little people nativity scene and wanted to show me Baby Jesus.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

First snow 2015

This week we woke up to our first snow fall of the season....the kids were excited :).  Charlie left for school and made snow angels in the snow while waiting for the bus!  Then once lunch was done, we headed out to make good of the wet snow.  By the end of the 1.5 hours, we had cleared our backyard of all fresh snow.  They had a good time.....

Charlie decided that he now likes hot chocolate, so when we were at the store this week, we also bought hot chocolate (we don't have it in the house as I'm not a fan!).....Anyway - we broke out the coloured marshmellows and filled the mugs.  Charlie loved it, Moe couldn't have cared less.  He didn't even try to eat the marshmellows.  I'm sure it will grow on him as he sees his big brother drink it.

Here are a few pictures of our two firsts for the winter season.  As nice as it would have been to have a hot drink after playing in the snow, these pictures were taken on different days :).

Saturday, November 7, 2015


I was going to make bisquits one afternoon, and thought that I had baking powder, but I couldn't find any...So I just let the boys play with some dough......It kept them entertained for a good hour.  I took a few pics as they barely had any taken of them in October - ooops!

Oh, and turns out I had TWO containers of baking powder....just sitting in the pantry, not the cupboard.  I thought I had some, just couldn't find it when I needed it :(