Tuesday, May 27, 2014

West Ed trip!

Just over two weeks ago, the four of us headed up to Edmonton for some meetings that Doug was attending.  I thought the two boys and I could have some fun, so I decided to brave Galaxy Land by myself :).  We opened up the amusement area at noon sharp and were the second in line for tickets, and as it turns out, we also closed the place down!  I was not expecting to stay longer than a couple of hours, but Charlie and Moe were having so much fun that I wanted Daddy to see it!  I had my fair share of whining and tired crankiness from Charlie, and crying tantrums from Moe when he couldn't go on the big boy rides with Charlie, but we had way more smiles and squeals of delight than I could count.  We walked onto all the rides, and had so much fun.

I was very proud of Charlie for going on some of the rides by himself.  He has been going through this phase of only doing things with Mom and Dad, and some of these rides he had to do by himself.  Which means he definitely had to be brave at the beginning when he didn't know what to expect.  But he was awesome - and he let me know that if he really wants to do something, he'll do it on his own.  I had so much fun watching him ride the plane and flying it high.  He loved this ride from the beginning - needless to say, it was a special moment as his Mommy witnessed him conquering his fear!

We'll be back West Edmonton Mall - we had too much fun!!!!!

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