On the three previous flights, I've used advice I've read on other blogs - lots of snacks, toys, and books. However, the best piece of advice was to bring the car seat with us on the plane! The seat next to us was empty, so we didn't have to pay for Charlie to use the extra seat - soooo great. Charlie was tired after missing most of his two naps during the day, so after trying to get him to fall asleep the conventional airplane ways, I put him in the seat, buckled him in and started singing to him. I stopped too quickly and his fussyness started up again. So I traded spots with Doug and as usual, Daddy had the touch. Within 3 minutes, Charlie was sleeping away.
Perfect - now how long is this going to last for?? Hopefully for an hour.....NOPE - it lasted the entire flight and the car ride home! Doug and I both napped and watched tv just like "the good old days!" The car seat was definitely the best piece of advice we've received and if we fly again before Charlie turns 2, we'll definitely be hoping and praying for an empty seat beside us!
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