Tuesday, June 28, 2011

9 months old!

Guess what everybody - I'm 9 months old!!!!  Momma says I'm such a big boy, but all I know is that I love to crawl, climb, chew, and drool!  I crawl all over the place and I even chase Daddy around the couch.....Daddy eventually complains though cause I guess it is hard on his knees :)

I like to climb too - I climb on the kitchen cabinets, on the coffee table, and best of all, my crib.  I also like to chew on all those things too - so much that Momma bought me a plastic thing to chew on instead of the crib - the plastic feels better on my gums.

I'm also starting to talk, although Momma and Daddy have no idea what I'm saying.  Sometimes they get these big smiles on their faces when I say "da-da-da-da" - I don't really know what the big deal is about that!

Best of all, Daddy and Momma are starting to feed me their food.  AND - I love drinking out of my sippy cup!  Last night I had a meal that didn't include any mushed up food.  I got to eat little pieces of meat, sweet potato from Grandma M's plate, and rice from Daddy's plate.  I even ate a little bit of Daddy's crumb cake :)  It sure was yummy.  Oh and Grandpa and Grandma M were soooo impressed with my table manners.  I sat in the high chair the entire time and ate everything like a big boy!

Sometimes I catch Momma looking at pictures of me when I was just a little baby, so I remind her how much fun I am now that I can play with her and talk to her!  We have a great time together - and I love when Daddy comes home from work too cause that means more playing and bath time!

The only thing I don't like is when Momma puts me down to sleep - she doesn't understand that I like to cuddle with her all the time!!!!  She has been trying to get me to go to sleep without being fed or cuddled (to sleep) - I'm resisting a little, but I think she just wants to me to be a good sleeper :)  I keep trying to tell her that I am a great sleeper, but she seems to think I should be able to sleep through the night and fall asleep without her.

Ok - that's all from me!  I think Momma is going to add a couple of pictures to show how big I am!!!!

One hand!!!!

Momma - You're tricky....taking my picture outside the house!

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