Thursday, May 5, 2011

Food - you love it or hate it!

Charlie's introduction to food has been a little slow.  We thought it was going to be a hit, but with all of his teeth coming in, he wasn't too interested in eating.  However, we are back on the bandwagon again and he seems to be enjoying food.

At Easter, he was introduced to pears.  His facial expressions are priceless and contrary to most of the pictures, he really did eat them up!!!!

For your own viewing pleasure!
What is on the menu today, Momma?

Pears?  Ok - I'll give them a try.



Seriously, Momma - gross!!!

I don't want to have any more!

Noooooo - I really don't like them!

Somebody save me!!!!!
Ok - maybe I was exaggerating a little!

Thanks Momma - I liked the pears!

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