Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Crawling - almost!!!!

A few nights ago during our night-time routine, Charlie crawled - and I'm serious!!!  He crawled putting one hand in front of him with his knees doing the same.  It was a slow, articulated crawl - much different than I was expecting......But really, I didn't really know what to expect :)  He hasn't done it much since, but he is definitely on the move. 

I wasn't in a hurry for him to crawl and be mobile - now he loves going for the fireplace and the electrical cords - which makes me say the word "no" more than I would like.  He has no idea what "no" means :) 

Anyway - here are a few pics!!!
Uhhhh - what do you want me to do Momma?

I think I can, I think I can

Ohhhhh - Look at everything above me!

Yah - I know I'm cute!!!!

I couldn't resist another picture of Charlie looking at the laundry!!!

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