Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Birthday Party!!!

Ok - it has been a while since I have posted, so I'm going to do my best to catch you up!!!!  At the beginning of March, Charlie attended his first birthday party of his cousin.  It was a fun day :)
 Charlie couldn't wait until we had to drive to the birthday party, so he fell asleep on Daddy in his favorite position.
 Auntie Pookie bought new glasses and thought they might look good on Charlie - I don't think he was convinced!!
I love party hats just as much as I love chewing on my fingers!!!!


  1. LOL - literally!!!! I am sitting here at my desk and laughing! These pictures are priceless and too cute! He can have my glasses in about 3 years to play dress up. : )

  2. Yah - except that we'll have to take out the lenses or he'll be blind by the time he's 10 :)
