Thursday, August 31, 2017

10 month old pictures

These pictures are really late coming and they showing a little bit of a cranky Boomer after a nap.  He wanted me to pick him up not take his picture!!!!

Friday, August 18, 2017


Boomer is giving us a run for our money.  At 10+ months, he finally learned how to get himself from a laying/crawling position into a sitting position.  CRAZY!  He has always been on the move and never wanted to sit, so he never figured out how to sit back up until this week.  I tried to take a few pictures of him on our bed a few nights ago, and you'll see from the couple of pictures, he would not sit still and just wanted to see the camera.  He really is always on the move - and wanting to get into things he isn't allowed in....always with a big smile on his face!!! :)

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Growing a sunflower and Reading Victories

Totally random post but last Sunday I took a few quick pictures of the boys to remember a few highlights.  Moe planted a sunflower seed around 2 months ago in preschool and we faithfully watered it and watched it grow.  He even asked our neighbour to look after it while we were gone and I was shocked (and so was she) that it was thriving.  So we've continued to water it and just a week or so ago, it formed the bloom and below is what we currently have.  Moe is so happy with his sunflower and I'm just shocked that it grew in the tiny cup.  It is a fun memory from preschool!

And Charlie - Here is the reading chart I was talking about in the last post.  130 books, 6 plus month (although I know he didn't always get checkmarks for the books he read!) Best part is that he enjoys reading and I will find him reading at different parts of the day.  A far cry from winter time when it was a STRUGGLE to get him to sit down and try to read.  He didn't want to do it because he wasn't good....Very Charlie like.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Just hanging......

We are into our slow part of the summer.  For all of July and the first week in August, we were either gone or busy in the morning.  Now that we don't have anything on the agenda, Boomer is getting his naps regularly, the older two are playing 'well' and I'm trying to keep us occupied!!!  Here are a few random pictures!!!  In one month Boomer has mastered the standing up and getting around phase.  He is everywhere and won't sit still.  His favourite things to go to are the TV, toilets, and garbage cans :)

Oh and Charlie finished his reading chart challenge from Grandma S - so when she was here, she took Charlie out and bought him a new golf set......SO WORTH THE READING!!!!  The boys are pretty pumped they each have their own golf clubs.....and practice balls that don't fly very far so they can play golf in the backyard again!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Slip and Slide 2017

We pulled out the slip and slide for summer 2017 and while it isn't quite as good as the one we had last year, the boys manage to make anything fun!  I did not have as much fun trying to capture the fun as they were trying to get each other with water and not doing what I was asking :).  BUT - if you look at the pictures, they were definitely having fun.  I was also not super thrilled with the pictures I was taking facing the sun, so I switched directions and told them to spin or run up the slide so I could still get their reactions.  I like those pictures so much better!!!  Here are the water pictures!!!