Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Just chilling

Ok - I'm almost done with all the pics!!!  I took these of Boomer one evening before dinner....while the sun was shining into our bedroom!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Still more....

Saturday, February 18, 2017

More four month pics

Moe and Boomer - Moe loves Boomer so much....sometimes a little too much.  He loves to get in his face and talk loudly.  Most of the time Boomer just takes it but once in a while he protests and Moe realizes quickly that he wasn't being that kind and gentle ;).  Moe wanted to be in these pics and I eventually had to kick him out because he wasn't helping lol!!!!  But they are a pretty cute pair!

Friday, February 17, 2017

4 Months Old

Sweet Boomer turned four months last week and I captured a ton of pictures of him on the day.....He has been such a blessing to our family - I'm still soaking up the days!!!!  At four months, he has been sleeping through the night for over a month, still putting himself to sleep for probably half his naps, and chewing on his hands.  He is all smiles and giggles too.  As I write this one week later, he rolled over for the first time and then rolled over half a dozen more times before he started whining for bed :).  He is growing up way too fast.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Winter walk

We headed out for a walk to the park a few weeks ago and I kind of had to be convinced to go....I was tired and had had a busy weekend, but I changed my mind, grabbed my camera and loaded Conlin in the baby carrier and off we went.  My plan was to get puddle jumping pictures, but the oldest child didn't think that would be fun, so he had to avoid the puddles instead of jump through them.  Needless to say, he didn't have as much fun as Moe.

Its not easy squatting on the ground with a baby sleeping in the carrier and trying to get pictures, but it was worth it.  The boys had fun 'exploring' and playing at the park but unfortunately Baby Boomer was done, the wind picked up, and I didn't get any pictures of Moe jumping in the puddles....

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Look at me!

These pics were taken a few weeks ago - at about 3.5 months when Boomer decided to get up on his hands and get his head up.  Its kind of a joke that his head is too heavy and he doesn't hold it up, so I was surprised to see him pop it up and look around!  He was also trying to sit up....and consequently, fall sideways.  I've got a ton more pics coming of Boomer cause he is now 4 months old, but I had to post these.....Cause he is a my little cutie!