Saturday, August 29, 2015

End of Summer

We had a packed and very fun summer!  Lots of trips and vacation time, lots of splash park and beach fun, lots of bike rides for the older boy, and lots of ice cream treats!!!!  SCHOOL is in a few days for Charlie and I am getting so sentimental!  Save that for another post!

We went to Fish Creek Park and had a bonfire with the family......Charlie and Moe were so looking forward to cooking over a fire and having marshmallows.    The best part was that they both ate a whole hotdog.....for the first time ever.  We were all watching them eat and eat and eat and not stop until they were done.  We were in a little bit of shock!  We had a great time and although I don't see it happening again this fall, I'm sure we'll get out next summer.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Bales 2015

Well, it has been a dry summer in Alberta.....Which was pretty obvious when the baler came to bale the grass from my parent's acreage.....  Last year, Dad kept 8 bales for his 20 percent (or something like that), this year he got 2 (for the same percentage)...... 

When I found out there were bales, we went out that night to take pictures.  I almost missed our opportunity as the baler had taken his bales away while we were eating or watching the football game, and when we went out, they were gone.....except for the 2 dad gets to!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Farm Life part 3

I love these pictures because Moe is too short and you can't see him in the field.......SO cute.  Doug hid below the crop for the picture and then carried Moe back so we wouldn't crush too much barley :):)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Farm Life part 2