Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Our introduction to the movie, Frozen, was very delayed....We bought it as an Easter gift and watched it soon after.  Charlie is like his Mama - scared of anything slightly scary, so when I watched Frozen with the adults in our family, I was shocked that Charlie had watched at least some of it before with his friends. I didn't think he would like it at all.

Over the past few months, I've turned it on during rainy afternoons or for a family movie day (ok - our first family movie day), and he has slowly become more 'brave' and less scared of the snow monster or the fighting, etc.  He takes a spoon or spatula and pretends that it is a sword and fights the snow monster.  It is crazy how fighting the monster has turned this part of the movie from scary to fun.

On Father's Day, all of us adults were visiting after dinner, so I turned on Frozen for Charlie and Moe - Moe is still take it or leave it, but here are a few pictures of them watching together.  Pretty cute!

Monday, June 16, 2014

To the best Daddy

We appreciate and love Daddy so much.  He is always playing and helping, teaching and correcting, loving and caring.  Happy belated Father's Day, daddy!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Radium 2014

We took our second annual family trip to Radium this year - actually, last year it was Fairmont and this year we went for 2 nights instead of a week!  We went back to Radium all for the hot springs - never thought I would say that!!!  But the cold pool and hot pool are so large, and Charlie loves the waterslides, so we are well entertained!!!! 

Both Moe and Charlie loved the small slide the first day.  By the second day, we were encouraging Charlie to go down the big kid slide, and sure enough, he did!!!  I was so impressed.  With this slide, you have to be able to slide down and then swim to the edge all by parent catching you at the bottom.  We knew Charlie could do it as that's what he had been doing on the little slide, only this slide is a little more intimidating!  BUT - he conquered what little fear he had, and happily slide down time and time again.  ONLY PROBLEM - Moe wanted to go down too!!!!  So we usually had to take Moe to the hot pool to distract him :)

We had a good time, and enjoyed the getaway!  Here are a few pictures of us stopping on our drive out to Radium to throw rocks into the river.  Oh - and we saw 11 bears during our two drives - including a mama bear and her TWO cubs!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Preschool Post Party Pics

I wasn't able to get any decent pictures taken at the preschool party, so I convinced Charlie to sit still for a few minutes so I could take his picture - I thought he looked pretty handsome/stylish that day....ok I liked his outfit :)  I said that if he smiled for me, I would let him drive his tractor while Moe had his nap.  Worked like a charm!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

3 year old Preschool DONE!

I can't believe this year flew by so quickly.  I don't think I would have said this in the middle of -25 weather this winter, but Charlie's first year of preschool really did fly by.  All in all, he had a great year!!!  He 'made' some new friends and definitely opened up with his teachers by the end.  I was sad to see the year end as Charlie made such great progress in these last few months, but there is always this fall and the 4 year old class!!!!

I took a few pictures of him on the porch right before his last class.  He is a little stinker when it comes to taking pictures, but I did manage to get one with a decent smile :).  And of course, a few with Mom and Dad.

Here he is on the first day of school, followed by his last day of school.  Thanks for a great year Charlie.  You make us so proud!!!!