Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Its cold outside!

Winter 2013/2014 will stay in my memory as one of the winteriest ones I've remembered :(.  We had a VERY snowy winter in Ottawa - almost broke the snowfall record with our snow piles over Doug's head, but with two kids to get in and out of the vehicle, I have to say that this one is worse!!!!  And much to my surprise, we have run our garage heater (on the absolute lowest setting) so I can at least get into a vehicle that isn't -20 just to take Charlie to preschool.  I NEVER would have done this even two years ago - things change :).  And spending money to stay warm becomes a priority!

Anyway - we obviously haven't spent much time outside and because routine pictures aren't so interesting, I don't have much to post for January.  But I do have a little, so will post a few over the coming days.

Here are a few pictures.  I'm not really in to landscape photography, but I had to get a few pictures of the frost one morning.....  Thick!!!

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