Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fun at Grandma's

We went to my parent's house for a fun birthday weekend for ME, but I only took pictures of the boys and their new fun glasses :)  I have to love Moe still in half of his pajamas, Daddy sitting on the couch relaxing, and then Daddy and Charlie napping.  And of course, old toys that are the favorites when the boys go to play at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Monday, February 24, 2014


While Moe was more than happy to get his picture taken as seen in the last post, this was Charlie's response!!!!  Everything wrong was made right with a smoothie after......  Charlie always has to drink his smoothie from my pink Starbucks mug, and I now have given Moe is own plastic cup, but he was sharing with me for quite a while.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Random fun in the house

Moe is walking a little more each day.  Still will resort to crawling just because it is faster, but we say that he is walking.  His two top molars have also popped all the way through and he likes to point and grunt/yell when he wants something.  He says "psssss" for please, and "ysssss" for yes, and is saying the simple words, but his vocabulary is definitely more on the normal side.  However, he is a climber and is not satisfied unless he is where he wants to be.  And yes, at the end of these pictures he is standing up on his chair.  It is a daily occurrence  here.  I'll tell him to sit down, which he does, and then he quickly stands up again.  He doesn't like being taken off the chair either :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I am not the best at crafting with my sons - but a few weeks ago I pulled out the paint easel and got out the paints, and let Charlie go at it.  It lasted for about 2 minutes :).....maybe that's why I'm not the best.  Charlie has a short attention span with things that don't involve sports or reading or tv.....meaning crafts and activities such as puzzles.

And below are a few pics from bedtime.  Moe loves getting up onto his chair and looking at books.  I snapped a few ones of him looking at a book - his room was very dark, so I had to accommodate with higher than normal camera settings, but I like how they turned out.  And while Moe was looking at books, Charlie was still having fun in the tub!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Its cold outside!

Winter 2013/2014 will stay in my memory as one of the winteriest ones I've remembered :(.  We had a VERY snowy winter in Ottawa - almost broke the snowfall record with our snow piles over Doug's head, but with two kids to get in and out of the vehicle, I have to say that this one is worse!!!!  And much to my surprise, we have run our garage heater (on the absolute lowest setting) so I can at least get into a vehicle that isn't -20 just to take Charlie to preschool.  I NEVER would have done this even two years ago - things change :).  And spending money to stay warm becomes a priority!

Anyway - we obviously haven't spent much time outside and because routine pictures aren't so interesting, I don't have much to post for January.  But I do have a little, so will post a few over the coming days.

Here are a few pictures.  I'm not really in to landscape photography, but I had to get a few pictures of the frost one morning.....  Thick!!!