Monday, September 30, 2013

3 years old

Charlie is 3!  I can barely believe it....time is just flying.  Especially this past year - I know that I have been in survival mode to stay sane with two children....I know, its just 2, but it is still 2!!!!  This year just zoomed by and with it, my buster boy has grown taller, skinnier, and has had more haircuts than his first 2 years combined.

He is full of stories and has a great imagination.  He enjoys going to pre-school, yet he rarely tells us what he did!!!  Charlie is also turning into an all-star athlete.  He loves baseball, hockey, basketball, soccer, golf, and he is always asking to ride his bike.  He likes to go swimming but tends to gravitate toward the hot tub.....just like his mommy.

Charlie also loves anything to do with the farm - combines, tractors, semi-trucks, horses, kittens, etc.  You would think he is a farm kid with all of the tractors we have around, yet he doesn't like being dirty.....hahaha! - so not a true farm boy!

And with turning 3, we see his stubborn side maybe a little more than we would like and yes, he likes to test Mommy's patience on a daily basis, but we are just waiting out the tantrums like all other parents.

Charlie - we love you so much and are so proud of the person you are becoming.

With that said........

We celebrated the big day with a tractor theme - but a blue colour!!!!!  So Auntie Pookie made the cupcakes - and we did snacks and cake pretty early because kids kept asking for a cupcake :).  BUT before we had the cupcakes, a cow made a special visit and the kids got to go cow-tipping.  However, it turned into a wrestling match and a chasing time!!!!!  It was cute and Charlie loved the cow!!!!!

Then it was time for presents - my what a difference a year makes.  He couldn't WAIT to open the presents and we didn't even talk to him about it beforehand.....crazy!  All the other kids were pretty excited too.

And finally, Daddy gets the "Dad of the Year" award for dressing up like a cow and for playing with the kids in our basement..... Way to go Daddy, you are the best!!!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I finally had the opportunity to photograph my cousin and her family.  It didn't take too least I didn't think so!  So much fun and I love how they turned out.  I keep on having to edit more and more pictures because I can't stop!!!!

I had a hard time deciding what pictures to include, so here is a small sample!!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

10 Months!

Moe is 10 months and absolutely starting to moooove!  Rolling, kneeling, pushing, and almost crawling.  It is fun to watch him learn to move and realize that he can!!!!  He pulled himself up beside our storage cubes this week - too cute.  And he likes to cover his ears, and either yell or make noises.  Hahahaha!  Waving bye-bye and clapping continue to occur on a daily basis!

Here are some 10 month photo's  He is such a sweetie!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


That's right - Charlie started preschool last week!  I don't think he really knew what to expect, but I figured he would do great.  The preschool is located at our church, and he is in the same classroom on Sundays, so this definitely helped him feel comfortable.  He was excited to carry his backpack and walk to from home to class.

Only problem came when we got there and he wanted his snack right away.  I explained that he had to wait until snack time, but he wasn't too enthused.  Thankfully the toys distracted him!

Here is my big boy on his first day! 
PS - I adore his shoes :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013


A few last pictures from our park day.  I had to get a few of Moe and the parents!  Below is Moe waving with me......Not the best picture, but a good memory of when he started to wave bye-bye.

NO!!!!  I will absolutely not look at you!

Friday, September 13, 2013


Whenever Charlie goes in the baby swing, I give him the biggest under-duck that I can....He loves it.  This time I had Daddy give the under-duck.  It took a little convincing that he really could give Charlie a full under-duck and nothing would happen!  Oh - and notice how Doug had to hold Moe too!!!