Monday, April 25, 2011

I LOVE the washer and dryer

Ok - so these may just be some of my most favorite pictures!  Especially the middle one.  I was doing laundry a few days ago and decided that Charlie would probably like to watch.  Did he ever!  He just sat there and watched both the washer and dryer spin round and round.  It was sooooo cute!!!!  BUT - I got even smarter......  I put him in the jolly jumper in the door frame that you can see in the pictures.  So, not only did he get to jump away, he also watched the dryer spin.  I think this form of entertainment will come in very handy during the next few months!!!!

Daddy - I am soooo excited!!!!
Sooooo Cool.

Daddy - you should come take a look at this!!!!

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