Monday, October 24, 2016

More pics

Friday, October 21, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Welcome Baby Boomer

Today was the day when our newest baby boy was due, but we welcomed him to the family on Oct 7 - 13 days early.  I had been hoping to have him before thanksgiving and sure enough, he arrived at the beginning of the weekend!  He came quickly just like his brother but came out crying and trying to suck on his fist! :).  His nickname on the blog will be Boomer - a name that a few people were suggesting for his real name.  Boomer was 7 pounds, 1 ounce and 20 inches long when he was born.  He is so precious and small, cuddly and sweet.  I again couldn't believe how small he was and how precious life is. We are so thankful that he arrived safely and we all love him so much!!!  Brothers included :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


We've been busy these past few weeks welcoming a new baby brother for Moe and Charlie but before I introduce him, we can't forget the birthday party for Moe and Charlie.

Charlie turned 6 in September and we did another joint birthday party a week later.  Moe is turning 4 next week!!!  They are growing up so fast!

We celebrated their big day at a gym with lots of friends and yummy food.  Paw Patrol was the theme for the cake this year - it is the show of choice for Moe.  Moe was so excited to blow out his candles, he did it before Dad even put the cake down.  So we relit them so I could get a picture!!!