Thursday, July 21, 2016

Slip and Slide Take 2

I noticed that my photo's from the first slip and slide blog were a little boring....and from a few months ago.  Our grass is a lot greener and the sun has come out again meaning that we need water fun to stay cool!

Hopefully you see the joy in Charlie and Moe's faces.....I risked getting my camera wet trying to get a few fun shots.  A certain older brother was even aiming for me!!!!  What a stinker :)  I didn't mind getting splashed as I was hot, but I was more concerned about my new camera!!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Charlie had been waiting all spring for us to play tennis with him at the lake.  Finally the day arrived for him to start learning and I have to say I was surprised with how fast he picked it up.  We played tennis every day and every day he didn't want his hour to be over.  He worked hard, ran a lot after stray balls, and definitely enjoyed playing with mom and dad, and even Grandpa and Grandma....What a shocker, I don't remember them playing with us growing up!!!!!  I even got to play!  I wasn't planning on it, but I couldn't stay away - I may not have been as quick, but I did have fun playing!

Charlie and Grandma also played badminton over the course of the week - he loved it too!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


We made our annual trip to Idaho last week with my parents and this time Dad got to come with us!  I think we were all thankful he could come!!!!  We had a great time celebrating Doug's birthday with a July 4th parade....which maybe lasted a little too long..... and some free lunch and pie from our (ok my) favourite restaurant.  We went fishing, played tennis and badminton, went swimming, visited to an amusement park for the day and maybe went out for pie a few more times.  We had a great time and enjoyed the kids being older and able to do more sport related activities. Oh and Doug may have just started a new interest in fishing.  The fish started biting right when we wanted to go for dinner.  We had to wait for him to try a few more times before we could leave.  

Monday, July 11, 2016

Texas trip!

Back in May....before our computer crashed and left me computerless for almost a month.....we headed south to Texas with my cousin and her girls to visit Nana and Auntie.  We were all husbandless and ready to tackle ten days without any backup!  We had such a great time!  The kids played endlessly either on their bikes, in the pool, or upstairs in the makeshift playroom - it was glorious!!!!  So glorious, that Moe and Charlie have continued the trend they learned from their older cousins and have been much better at playing independently ever since we returned!

As we did last year, we had a great time and the days went much too quickly!!!!