Monday, May 9, 2016

Slip and Sliding

Last week our temps were nearing 30 degrees, so I pulled out a slip and slide that has been waiting in our mudroom for at least a couple years until the kids were old enough to have fun on it.  Well - little did I know that it would occupy them for two afternoons.  They had a great time and at one point, they were even curling down the mat.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


We have been having fun enjoying the warmer than normal March (yes, I know its May), we went exploring with some friends and little Moe got into the mud.  He really didn't know what to do! :)

I really should take the out like this more often.  They had a great time and definitely liked having a late bedtime!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2016


This is way overdue - but the four of us are excited to announce that we will be welcoming another baby into our family this fall!!!!  The two brothers had mixed emotions - one immediately said, "NOOOOO" and the other had a sly smile and was immediately asking questions.  They have grown quite fond of the baby - saying goodnight and asking when he/she is going to be here.  They are hoping for a boy - big surprise - but will most likely cover this new life in love and protection.  At least that is what I'm hoping for!!!!!

So - I'm sorry for the happened last time I was pregnant! :)  Hopefully with the warmer weather I will be snapping more pictures and letting you know what we have been up to!!!!