Friday, February 20, 2015

New bed

Moe has graduated from his crib to his new big boy bed!  And he has done AWESOME!!!!  Moe has almost always been a better sleeper than his big brother, but I was worried that he wouldn't stay in his bed.  The first night, he came out twice, but then fell asleep for the rest of the night (he was on a mattress on the floor as we hadn't bought his bed frame yet).

But night two, he had the top bed of a bunk bed, and as you can see from the pictures, it has a railing on both sides.....I definitely think this setup makes him feel secure and as a result, he has only been up once in the night in over a month.  YAY!  And what makes it even better is that he is sleeping until at least 8am, and goes to bed between 7-8pm.  Way to go Moe - you are rockin bed time right now. 

Charlie so desperately wanted his bedding - sports!!! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Keeping busy

We have been keeping busy inside lately - and getting more and more crafty.  I was finally brave enough to bring out the paints with both kids awake and they did great.  After a few times of painting, I realized it would be better to cover the whole table with paper.....much better :)

We have also been fighting some cold/flu symptoms around here over the past month.  Both times when Doug has been gone working for the week, Charlie has gotten sick and that usually means he has an excuse to sleep in my bed.  Then Moe had his first taste of a real flu - poor boy was sick all day and didn't know what was happening to him.  Thankfully he crashed at 8pm after not napping and he slept all night long.....Doug and I were so thankful!

Speaking of sleeping through the night, Charlie has definitely been giving us a run for our money lately.  This fall, he was allowed to stay in our bed while Doug was gone.  For the first few months, he was good and always stayed in his bed when Daddy was home.  But this quickly changed towards Christmas and we are still battling it out at night.  Sometimes he will try and sneak his way in just one time a night, but sometimes we are up a total of 5-7 times putting him back in his room.  YAWN!!!!  And I am such a light sleeper I hear him almost immediately when his feet hit the floor in his own room.  Hopefully this phase is almost done!! :) 

Monday, February 2, 2015

More Puddles

The pictures speak for themselves.  The boys had so much fun jumping in and running through the puddle.  There were chunks of ice in the puddle - but they didn't care.  Poor Moe though - he fell a few times and landed right in the water.  And the end happened when both of his hands went right into some mud :)  They were good and dirty/cold, and ready for a bath when we got home.

Check out the last picture.  Moe in a snow puddle/mud puddle :)